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Market and trend research for retail and public space

Analyse externer Effekte in ruralen Gebieten | Markus Obermair

Featured Work

Analyse externer Effekte in ruralen Gebieten | Marktforschung im öffentlichen Raum | IHaM

Market research in public space

Analysis of external effects in rural areas

Can an unmanned grocery make rural town centres more attractive?

Evaluierung der Attraktivität und attraktivitätssteigernder Maßnahmen im öffentlichen Raum | Wahrnehmungspsychologie | Passantenverhalten | Customer Experience | Marktforschung im öffentlichen Raum | IHaM

Market research in public space

Evaluation of attractiveness enhancing measures.

General attitude towards public space.
General purchasing behaviour in public spaces.
Evaluation of planned measures:
Image / importance / attractiveness / psychography / future behaviour.

Trend Analysis Servitisation | Market Research | Retail Research | IHaM

Trend research

Trend: Servitisation

Consumers expect more quality, digital support, security, efficiency and flexible availability of products as well as shopping experiences with all senses.

Trend Analysis Environment and Sustainability | Market Research | Retail Research | IHaM

Trend research

Trend: Environment

Consumers have sustainable purchasing motives and expect to be able to consume sustainably, transparency in terms of origin and sustainable mobility alternatives.